How I Impact
The John Maxwell Company compels corporate leaders and consumers to inspire, challenge, and equip organizations to live out leadership and reach their potential. This company distributes my resources, develops customized curriculum for businesses of all sizes, and impacts industries locally, nationally and globally.
From assessments and coaching to public and on-site workshops, each solution we provide inspires and challenges you not just to learn but to lead with excellence. All of my company’s curriculum can be customized to specifically address your organizational, cultural, and leadership challenges. It also offers numerous programs for individuals seeking to grow themselves personally.
The John Maxwell Team empowers coaches, trainers, speakers and professionals seeking to add value to others and become top leaders as owners of their respective businesses, in their community or employment role, or for personal growth and development. This incredible team equips over 13,000 trained and certified John Maxwell Coaches to walk beside others in their journey toward their greatest potential.
EQUIP is my non-profit organization that trains and mobilizes Christian leaders to impact families, organizations, communities and nations around the world. Through this team's work we've established six million leaders in 196 countries and seen hundreds of thousands of lives changed through the gospel of Jesus Christ. In the next four years, EQUIP will prayerfully aim to see one million individuals come to Christ and experience transformation.
The John Maxwell Leadership Foundation, my second philanthropic organization, facilitates transformation in countries around the world through values and intentional living programs within each country’s streams of influence, including; government, education, business, churches, arts, media, and family.